June 23, 2021 Perks of being a wallflower buy online bookstore in the philippines

A Heartwarming Story: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.

Personal Rating:

Rating: 5 out of 5.

June 16, 2021

Dear Charlie, 

Greetings Charlie!

I’ve just completed reading your story, and I’d like to let you know that we both live in a realm where loneliness pervades our souls. I’m thrilled to learn about your tale, knowing that many others like us have gone through similar experiences. I also felt alone in my life, as if no one wanted to give me the happiness that I so desperately desired. I was initially perplexed and intrigued by your account, which is why I took it up and read it, and I recognize myself in the events you described. You taught me that no matter what happens or what we go through, we have the right to feel the way we do just because we are human. You demonstrated the purity of emotions, the beauty of thoughts, the generosity of love, and the warmth of friendship to me. You helped me realize how much I value books and poetry and how much of an impact they make on people’s lives.

I’m so glad you have your pals now that you’ve found your perfect comfort zone because they’ll be there for you when life’s trials and tribulations strike and tear you apart. I hope you can read my message as well, and I hope to see you soon, if not here, then somewhere else. Charlie, you’re one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met! 

Love always,


The Perks of being a wall flower

This novel has always held a special place in my heart since the characters are lovable and generous, especially Charlie, the main character. This novel is about a young child named Charlie who writes a letter to an unknown friend who tells his entire story. I was initially perplexed as to why it was titled “The Perks of Being A Wallflower,” but I realized what the title meant as I continued reading the book. The author has the ability to convey a terrific story about a teenager who has gone through a lot in his life; the characters, particularly Sam and Patrick, are my favorites. It also depicts various aspects of life as a gay person, such as Patrick’s love for someone who is not comfortable revealing to everyone that he is his life’s love.


While reading this book, many emotions stream through my veins, mainly because it also narrates the tale of my life, which is why I enjoy it. While the novel has its ups and downs, and there isn’t a particularly compelling narrative, the reader is drawn into Charlie’s mind, where he shares his first kiss, his thoughts toward his new acquaintances, and his views on literature and music. He’s naive about many things, and his bluntness has made me laugh out loud several times. He not only deals with love but also with having a gay buddy, death, and sexual assault, as well as sharing his love of music and literature, which I believe are two things that are being lost on today’s young. 


The Perks of Being A Wallflower also taught me that being different is acceptable; we are all human beings who must live in this world and pursue our goals in the future. I also saw myself as a carbon copy of Charlie because we share similar interests in life, such as a desire to be a writer and a life devoted to literature. If I have the chance to meet him as a real person, I promised myself that I would hug him and tell him how much I love his personality. Nothing makes me feel more nostalgic than this book.

I highly recommended this one to every people; even if you’re not a book enthusiast, read this book, and you would know the real essence of life.

Always remember the WE ARE INFINITE!

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